This code cleans/set the value of textbox control to space("") inside the formwindow and inside the groupbox control.
For Each octl As Control In Me.Controls
If (TypeOf octl Is GroupBox) Then
Dim gbox As GroupBox = DirectCast(octl, GroupBox)
For Each ictl As Control In gbox.Controls
If (TypeOf ictl Is TextBox) Then
Dim itxt As TextBox = DirectCast(ictl, TextBox)
itxt.Text = ""
End If
End If
If (TypeOf octl Is TextBox) Then ' textbox outside the groupbox
Dim txt As TextBox = DirectCast(octl, TextBox)
txt.Text = ""
End If
foreach (Control octl in this.Controls)
if ((octl is GroupBox))
GroupBox gbox = (GroupBox)octl;
foreach (Control ictl in gbox.Controls)
if ((ictl is TextBox))
TextBox itxt = (TextBox)ictl;
itxt.Text = "";
if ((octl is TextBox))
TextBox txt = (TextBox)octl;
txt.Text = "";