The spUtilPAGEprocedure accepts 6 parameters:
@datasrc - the table (or stored procedure, etc.) name
@orderBy - the ORDER BY clause
@fieldlis - the fields to return (including calculated expressions)
@filter - the WHERE clause
@pageNum - the page to return (must be greater than or equal to one)
@pageSize - the number of records per page
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spUtilPAGE] @datasrc nvarchar(200) ,@orderBy nvarchar(200) ,@fieldlist nvarchar(200) = '*' ,@filter nvarchar(200) = '' ,@pageNum int = 1 ,@pageSize int = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @STMT nvarchar(max) -- SQL to execute ,@recct int -- total # of records (for GridView paging interface) IF LTRIM(RTRIM(@filter)) = '' SET @filter = '1 = 1' IF @pageSize IS NULL BEGIN SET @STMT = 'SELECT ' + @fieldlist + 'FROM ' + @datasrc + 'WHERE ' + @filter + 'ORDER BY ' + @orderBy EXEC (@STMT) -- return requested records END ELSE BEGIN SET @STMT = 'SELECT @recct = COUNT(*) FROM ' + @datasrc + ' WHERE ' + @filter EXEC sp_executeSQL @STMT, @params = N'@recct INT OUTPUT', @recct = @recct OUTPUT SELECT @recct AS recct -- return the total # of records DECLARE @lbound int, @ubound int SET @pageNum = ABS(@pageNum) SET @pageSize = ABS(@pageSize) IF @pageNum < 1 SET @pageNum = 1 IF @pageSize < 1 SET @pageSize = 1 SET @lbound = ((@pageNum - 1) * @pageSize) SET @ubound = @lbound + @pageSize + 1 IF @lbound >= @recct BEGIN SET @ubound = @recct + 1 SET @lbound = @ubound - (@pageSize + 1) -- return the last page of records if -- no records would be on the -- specified page END SET @STMT = 'SELECT ' + @fieldlist + ' FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @orderBy + ') AS row, * FROM ' + @datasrc + ' WHERE ' + @filter + ' ) AS tbl WHERE row > ' + CONVERT(varchar(9), @lbound) + ' AND row < ' + CONVERT(varchar(9), @ubound) EXEC (@STMT) -- return requested records END
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